Well, it’s been almost a year, but I FINALLY updated the site. Lots of new anchor charts and reader’s notebook entries, a brand new Book of the Month page, and a ton of new scripted minilessons. Click here!
Well, it’s been almost a year, but I FINALLY updated the site. Lots of new anchor charts and reader’s notebook entries, a brand new Book of the Month page, and a ton of new scripted minilessons. Click here!
Oh. My. Stars. Nine months, you guys. It’s been nine months since I updated my website. That is ridiculous, and while I completely understand that my excuses will help no one, I will offer a few updates on my life by way of explanation. First of all, there’s a technical hurdle. I build my site with iWeb, which has been dropped completely by Apple and is only accessible on my desktop computer, which rarely gets any love since I sprung for a MacBook. So updating often is a challenge because I just don’t spend much time at all on that computer. (Come on, who wants to be held down to one location by a desktop?!?) 😉
On a more personal note, 2013 was a trying year in a lot of ways, but some persistent medical issues forced everything else in my life to take a back seat. Honestly, to say that this blog was in the back seat is only really accurate if you imagine that I’m driving a school bus. I haven’t even logged on to look at stats, which was once a daily occurrence, in several months.
Many days, just doing my job was an act of survival, so this poor blog just didn’t make the cut. But still, you came. You looked at pictures, you downloaded anchor charts, you saved prompt cards, you pinned to Pinterest, you emailed me even when I couldn’t gather a response. You came because you too are trying to survive in a job that gets harder every day. I am so thankful for teachers like you (yes – you!) who are so committed to learning and refining the craft of teaching that you seek out inspiration from every corner of the internet. Whatever brought you to my little corner, thank you. Thank you for seeking out more information on your own free time, which I know is an absolutely precious commodity that is in too little supply in your life. Thank you for working your tail off every. single. day. If you’re heading back to work tomorrow like I am, know that I am wishing only the best for your classroom this year.
I am doing well from a medical perspective, so I am committed to posting more often. However, I am posting this from my MacBook, which doesn’t solve the iWeb problem. So for now, I’ll leave you with a big batch of unorganized anchor charts. I promise I will get them on the site in a more organized fashion some day!
What else have I promised you that fell through the cracks? What are you wishing you could find on this site? Let me know, and your wish might just come true!
In 2014, may you be blessed and be a blessing.
I can’t remember a year where I was as ready for Spring Break as I was this year. As it’s wrapping up today, I finally had a few moments to update the site! Go to the home page for more details!
Happy spring! 🙂
I added tons of pictures from the last couple of months to the site last night. Anchor charts and more!
Technically, my summer has been over for two weeks now, but I’m still in a bit of denial. We have a JumpStart Summer School program at my school, and I absolutely love it. Â It started a couple of weeks ago, and it’s a great way for the invited kids (and us teachers) to get back in the swing of things! The teachers are all bravely fighting the battle of the “summer slide”, and I know we’ll have great results.
I also taught six workshops in the last two weeks (whew!) on assesing readers with a notebook. Â I taught sessions for teachers of Kindergarten through 5th grade. Â On my campus, we are going to try notebooks at every grade level this year, so I was excited to begin processing this work with some teachers from around my district. I added just a few charts from those workshops – you can check them out here. (My apologies for the quality of the poorly-lit iPhone pictures.)
I found several scripted minilessons that I’d forgotten about on my iPad, so I will add those soon.
Hope you are having a fabulous summer! I’m headed back to New York City tomorrow for a training with Scholastic – stay tuned for more info on that! 🙂
It’s been a while since my last weekend update, but I just posted several new anchor charts on poetry, homophones, theme, and characters in a series. Go check them out!
Happy Cinco de Mayo! Have a fabulous weekend! 🙂
I have been getting lots of emails from fellow educators who’ve stumbled across my site. Â I love getting these, and I try to answer them as soon as I can. Â It’s common for me to get several e-mails with the same question, so it occurred to me that there may be more people with the same wonderings who just haven’t clicked the email button. Â So, here are a few questions I’ve received, followed by my responses.
I use a four-section reader’s notebook, and I do have the kids count the pages and tab it before we ever start using it. Â The sections are as follows (page numbers are based on a 100-page composition notebook):
Thanks so much for all you do!
Now that I’m using charts as models for other teachers, this preserves them better. Â It’s also less time-consuming than the mount-to-a-coat-hanger method I used to use, although that method was definitely better for the time since my kids needed easy access to them.
Below is a picture of my stored charts. Hope this helps! 🙂
Update: I don’t know what happened, but the new anchor charts weren’t displaying correctly. They should be fixed now. Please let me know if you can’t see the new charts at the top of the page.
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about assessment lately, particularly about authentic assessment. Â My school district uses the workshop approach to reading and writing, so students are working at their own level. Â Daily conferring happens in both reading and writing, so informal assessment comes naturally. Â Working individually with students allows teachers to meet individual needs right on the spot and keep track of how they are responding to instruction. The trick is turning all of this into a number to put in the grade book. Â At my campus, we are trying something new in writing. Â I am working with teachers to create simple rubrics for each curriculum unit. Â When I say simple, I mean 8-year-old simple. Â We are limiting ourselves to the five most important things we hope they will be able to produce in the writing unit, and we are making the language as kid-friendly as possible, because the whole point is to share the rubrics with the kids.
These rubrics are ideally introduced on Day 2 of the writing unit. (Day 1 is devoted to immersing in the kind of writing kids are about to do.) Â On day 2, we want to push kids to reflect on everything they noticed as they were immersing in the genre. Â Then they’ll be introduced to the rubric. (I’m including a picture of a 2nd grade rubric (from Mrs. Scott’s class) here, and I am adding more to the anchor charts page.)
The point of this rubric is not just to show kids one time, of course.  The rubrics are being referred to multiple times every single day.  Because we developed the rubric based on our curriculum, every mini-lesson should be connected to one of the rubric goals.  This will help kids add to their vision of where they are going in this unit. (Like Katie Wood Ray says, if we don’t give kids a vision, we can’t expect them to do any revision.)
These rubrics are also referred to in individual conferences. Â A conference should include a compliment and a teaching point. Â If the teacher is stuck, they can certainly compliment the student on one goal from the rubric they are really working on, and they can choose a teaching point based on a different goal.
When I read through my guestbook, it’s extremely clear that the most popular page on my site is the anchor charts page. Â I found a small treasure trove of pictures that I (for some unknown reason) never uploaded, so there are tons of new anchor charts in this update! Â There are also new classroom photos and literacy station photos, including a few of kids working with the Tic Tac Toe grids that are posted on the literacy station page.
The pages for my writer’s notebook and my reader’s notebook are being well-used too. I forgot to bring my notebooks home this weekend, but I’ve got several possibilities for entries swirling around in my head, so those sections will definitely be hit in the next update. 🙂