Oh. My. Stars. Nine months, you guys. It’s been nine months since I updated my website. That is ridiculous, and while I completely understand that my excuses will help no one, I will offer a few updates on my life by way of explanation. First of all, there’s a technical hurdle. I build my site with iWeb, which has been dropped completely by Apple and is only accessible on my desktop computer, which rarely gets any love since I sprung for a MacBook. So updating often is a challenge because I just don’t spend much time at all on that computer. (Come on, who wants to be held down to one location by a desktop?!?) 😉
On a more personal note, 2013 was a trying year in a lot of ways, but some persistent medical issues forced everything else in my life to take a back seat. Honestly, to say that this blog was in the back seat is only really accurate if you imagine that I’m driving a school bus. I haven’t even logged on to look at stats, which was once a daily occurrence, in several months.
Many days, just doing my job was an act of survival, so this poor blog just didn’t make the cut. But still, you came. You looked at pictures, you downloaded anchor charts, you saved prompt cards, you pinned to Pinterest, you emailed me even when I couldn’t gather a response. You came because you too are trying to survive in a job that gets harder every day. I am so thankful for teachers like you (yes – you!) who are so committed to learning and refining the craft of teaching that you seek out inspiration from every corner of the internet. Whatever brought you to my little corner, thank you. Thank you for seeking out more information on your own free time, which I know is an absolutely precious commodity that is in too little supply in your life. Thank you for working your tail off every. single. day. If you’re heading back to work tomorrow like I am, know that I am wishing only the best for your classroom this year.
I am doing well from a medical perspective, so I am committed to posting more often. However, I am posting this from my MacBook, which doesn’t solve the iWeb problem. So for now, I’ll leave you with a big batch of unorganized anchor charts. I promise I will get them on the site in a more organized fashion some day!
What else have I promised you that fell through the cracks? What are you wishing you could find on this site? Let me know, and your wish might just come true!
In 2014, may you be blessed and be a blessing.
- (Rachel Scott, 2nd Grade)
- (Rachel Scott, 2nd Grade)
- (Rachel Scott, 2nd Grade)
- (Rachel Scott, 2nd Grade)
- (Rachel Scott, 2nd Grade)
- (Mindy Brock, 3rd Grade)
- (Mindy Brock, 3rd Grade)
- Used in 3rd Grade
- Used in 2nd and 3rd Grade
- Used in 2nd grade
- (Rachel Scott, 2nd Grade)
- Used in 2nd Grade
- Used in 2nd Grade
- Used in 2nd grade
- Used in 2nd and 3rd Grade
- (Rachel Scott, 2nd Grade)
- (Rachel Scott, 2nd Grade)
- (Rachel Scott, 2nd Grade)
- (Rachel Scott, 2nd Grade)
- (Rachel Scott, 2nd Grade)