Finding My Why

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Do you ever have a moment when you leave school thinking, “What am I even doing? Why do I keep coming back here?” I’ve had a few of those lately. This work is hard, friends. I know you know this.

Last night I dreamed that I had an office job, and that I loved every little bit of it. I’ve had office jobs, and I know I’m using rose-colored glasses when I look back on them, but the idea of closing my door and checking off my to-do list like a champ is appealing. Leaving work not consumed by the defeat and brokenness that often comes with little humans sounds downright Heavenly. In my dream, it was. I woke up shaking my head at why I (or anyone) would return to this work that is so hard on the mind and hard on the heart.

And then I checked my email. I don’t know Sue from Warrawong, Australia (and I hope she won’t mind my sharing this). What I do know is that she gave me my why today.



Under Construction

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Hi friends!

I hope you had fabulous holidays full of lots of little moments that turn into big memories. If you started back to work this week like I did, well, I’m sure you’ll catch up on your sleep very soon. 😉

I wanted to let you know that I have FINALLY found an website-building program that I like as much as iWeb, so I will be rebuilding my site from scratch over the next couple of weeks. You may see blank pages and “under construction” text during that time, but I hope you’ll be patient with me. My biggest hope in this move (and the only reason I’m willing to start over) is that I will update more often since I can use this program on my laptop, and not just on my desktop. I promise to put all of your favorite content back up as soon as I possibly can. Thank you so much for you patience!
